Hire an Experienced Medicaid Fraud Lawyer
Hire an Experienced Medicaid Fraud Lawyer
The time to consider hiring an experienced Medicaid fraud lawyer is as soon as you get notification or a call from an investigator who says you are currently being investigated for fraud. One thing that you should remember early on is that you do not have to say anything to the investigator. The truth is that anything you say could be used against you in court, so it is best to simply decline comment and immediately reach out to an experienced Medicaid fraud lawyer.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
In most cases, the investigators have found a discrepancy with your Medicaid application and have grounds to bring charges against you. This does not mean that you have been found guilty of anything yet, it simply means that the investigation was opened because something triggered the response. The experienced Medicaid fraud lawyer will uncover what the problem is and show you exactly how it can be fixed. If it was as simple as a wrong address or missing information, the fix is quite simple.
Serious Matters of Fraud
When the investigator believes that they have proof of fraud, it is best to work closely with the experienced medicaid fraud lawyer because you might not be aware of all the implications. Not only could you be required to pay back the portion of the money you received, judges will hand down significant jail sentences for abusing that system. Your attorney will make sure to fight on your behalf to explain what happened and try to plea down any potential penalties that you face.